None of the following images may be republished anywhere, in any form, without receiving prior permission for use from the Betty Hutton Estate.
Betty's first apartment in Palm Springs in 2001.
Just after "Annie Get Your Gun" was released on video, 2001.
Betty with friend, Carl Bruno, 2001.
Betty with friend, Mike Mayer, 2001.
Betty's final apartment in Palm Springs at 2080 South Camino Real.
Front door of Betty's apartment.
Living room
Dining area
Christmas stocking Betty had made for her and Father Maguire in Newport, RI.
We set up an 8x10 photo of Betty on the bureau in her dining area after her death. The pink roses, her favorites, were left over from Betty's birthday on Feb 26th, a few short weeks earlier.
Spare bedroom Betty used as her TV room.
Betty's wall of celebrity photos.
Betty's bedroom
Her wig cabinet
Coat Betty wore to her " now famous" Turner interview in 2000.
Betty's Turner interview shoe
Betty's back patio were she spent countless hours talking and visiting with friends.
Betty celebrates her 85th birthday in 2006.
There was a strange emptiness to Betty's apartment the day following her death.
Memories remain...
Betty is deeply loved and truly missed.